christ vision min

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached to all nations as a witness and then the end will come matt; 24:14



Rev.Patrick muhumuza is the President and Apostle of Christ Vision Ministries (international) who moves and ministers in apostolic anointing. His dynamic preaching and teachings both on Crusades and Conferences have transformed, motivated, and inspired many Pastors, leaders, ministers, ministries, and have brought many souls to Christ.

He is also the co-ordinater of (AREPAF) Area Revival Pastoral Forum, an association of Pastors of different born again Christian ministries banded together for the purpose of bringing Revival and Unity in the body of Christ by holding; Revival Conferences, Seminars, and crusades in both Urban and Rural areas in the Western Region of Uganda in East Africa.

For more information contact us at email:

Who we are:

Christ Vision ministries is a registered non denominational Christian church and charitable organization based in Fort Portal, Uganda, Africa.

It was founded by Rev. Muhumuza Patrick being assisted by his wife Lillian Muhumuza and aboard of Directors for the uniting together of the saints and advancement of the Gospel of the Vision of Christ to all nations as it is summed up in Luke 4:18-19.

IN 2001 the lord spoke to Rev. Muhumuza Patrick, saying that am making you a golden vessel in my family to restore and establish, to spread and accomplish my vision to the nations as it is summed up in luke 4:18-19

A vision that brings a revelation, a vision that brings hope, a vision that will make a difference in this sinful generation, a vision that will turn the heart of people to God their creator

And God has given him grace, anointing and has entrusted him with his power to:

  1. To deliver the message of love through the demonstration of the power of the Gospel to those who are hungry and thirst
  2. To uphold and strengthen, comfort and make firm those who are fear ful hearted e.g. orphans, widows etc
  3. To breakdown yokes and bondages that victimizes the lives of the people of God.
  4. To restore what ever the devil had plundered out of the lives of the Children of God through prayer and intercession.
  5. To proclaim to the people that Jesus Christ is lord, prince of peace, an answer to our questions, and a medicine to our diseases.


[a] To be a non-profit making, non political Christian, non denominational organization.

[b] To preach and teach the infallible word of God to all nations without fear, build places of worship of God (plant churches) and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

[c] To train disciples. Equip, mature and encourage, teach and raise children to be of sound Christian character.

[d] To establish academic schools and vocational institutions

[e] To start community development projects with a view of having the community earn constant income.

[f] To provide relief aid to the needy community, forgotten orphans, widows, refuges, disabled and street children .

[g ] To engage in programmes geared towards eradication of illiteracy.

[h] To hold seminars, exhibitions, lectures, public meting classes, revival conferences and camps calculated to advance Christian education.

[i] To promote community development and to establish and maintain charitable organizations and rehabilitation centers.

[j ] To co- operate with any churches, missions, organizations with similar objectives for the advancement of the Gospel

[k] To operate institutions of charity such as orphanage and destitute rest homes.

[l ] To support, supply administer, promote, assist and finance institutions, organizations, projects and programmes concerned with the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

[m] To receive donations, subscriptions, legacies and gifts of all kinds for such promotion of its objectives and forwarding the same.

[n] To enter into any arrangements with any international bodies, governments or authorities , national bodies, public organizations , corporations, churches, companies or persons and to accept grants of money and of land , donations, gifts and other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the ministry.



In Christ Vision ministries, we are really committed to our calling. God told Rev. Muhumuza Patrick to preach the Gospel to the poor and to declare liberty to the captives,[ spiritual captives and physical captives], those who are in prisons and remand homes. Luke 4:18-19

In our ministry, we have an outreach team that visits prisons and remand homes every Sunday after service and on other appointed times to those prisons and Remand homes that are outside Fort portal town in other districts of Uganda. In this prisons ministry, we have faced some challenges, some of these prisoners are being tortured illegally and some are suffering so much due to lack of proper care , i.e. poor feeding, being over worked, lack of clothing, lack of cosmetics resulting into skin rashes and diseases.

In this regard, these prisoners need both spiritual and material assistance.

We therefore call upon international prisons outreach ministries and humanitarian aid organizations to intervene with material and spiritual assistance respectively.


The sick people who are admitted in hospitals are in two categories; there are some who are attacked by diseases,[ normal sickness],that can be treated by doctors with medicines and there are some who are attacked by demonic powers of Satan.

And you find both of these sick people admitted in the hospitals. we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has power to heal and set free all those who have physical and spiritual sicknesses.

In Christ vision ministries, we have a spirit filled team of ministers that go in hospitals preaching and praying for the sick people.

This outreach team to hospitals is lead by Brother Mugume J and through this ministry, God has done a number of things, many are getting healed miraculously and the demon possessed getting delivered by the power of God. [James 5:14-16, Luke 9:1-2].

We therefore call upon prayer warriors and intercessors from all over the globe to join hands with us in prayer for the sick people who are in hospitals.

Remember on the judgment day, Jesus will ask you, when i was in the hospital did you come to see me? , when we visit and pray for these people we are doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, be watchful!!


We have seen that there is a great need of mosquito nets and insecticides because malaria is becoming the most threatening killer disease both in adult and infants.

There is another special need of counseling people living with HIV/AIDS and lack of proper nutrition both in adults and infants.

In this issue, we therefore call upon the government sectors, NGOs, individuals, health institutions and food institutions to join hands with us in order to address these special needs.



Jesus said, “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” in this generation, there is a necessity of visiting the places where the people are, with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, .Matt 28:19.

In our generation today, the youth carries the biggest population in the world and the best way of reaching them with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is by visiting schools, colleges and institutions of learning.

In Christ vision ministries, we have a team of youth evangelists that visit schools both primary and secondary schools, vocational institutions, colleges, and other institution of learning with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and this has brought many youth to the Lord hence entering into the promises as its written in [1Tim 4:12,Joel 2:28].

In this regard we call upon Christian youth ministries and ministers with moral Christian characters from all over the world to come and interact with our youth in Christ vision ministries and Uganda at large.


Some of the challenges we are facing in this school outreach ministry, is that students love the word of God but they are lacking bibles, tracts, Christian magazines, which can enlighten them with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


We affirm belief in the following:-

- The triune God , father , son and Holy spirit

- The Bible is God’s divinely inspired word

- That believers should be water baptized by immersion and observe the lords super and other sacraments.

- That Jesus Christ was born by a virgin, died on the cross, sin less . rose on the third day and is now alive and reigns on light

- We believe in salvation through Jesus Christ by confession in faith.

- We believe in the baptism of the holy spirit, signs, wonders, miracles and speaking in strange tongues as initial evidence after the baptism of the holy spirit.

- We believe in holy matrimony (monogamy) and ordination of leaders etc.


You are welcome to an exciting and power ful time for revival , where we all look forward with great anticipation to what the lord is about to do.

We have the following conferences, seminars and crusades through out the year

- In Jan believers and leader s conference and crusade.

- In April youth conference and camps

- In Aug 23-26 Annual Prophetic Celebration For All Nations

- In Nov women’s conference

In these conferences,

-Your hunger and thirst for God will be stirred up.

-You will receive anew and fresh anointing of prayer and intercession.

- Your faith will be stirred up to believe God for bigger things in life and ministry.

- Your calling, vision and ministry will be released and reactivated.

- You will receive an anointing of taking Nations and cities for Jesus

- Leaders will be envisioned and equipped with skills for break through in life and ministry.

-The anointed and powerful session of praise, worship and prayer will usher you in an over whelming presence of God.

As the body of Christ, we have entered into a new season, a time of supernatural happenings God has poured forth anew prophetic and apostolic anointing in greater dimensions he is equipping the church with strategic warfare method of prayer and intercession, releasing a new level of spiritual authority and mandate to destroy the devil works and expand the kingdom of God.

Many are being empowered for kingdom work to bring healing for the Nations and restore hope to a suffering humanity.

This is a special time where you take a step into your next level of Gods anointing and pursue your destiny and boldly move into your victory.

In these conferences God does exceedingly great things which become a historical event and a turning point in people’s lives and ministries.

In these conferences, if you are either to impact the body of Christ or be a carrier of revival fire and to do exploits for God and impact your generation, this is your appointed time, plan now to attend.


During the conference, you will meet a line up of nationally and internationally renown speakers whose ministries will transform and impact your life and ministry.

National and International delegates from all the parts of the world attend and participate

In these life changing revival conferences. Don’t miss, contact us at




What we do:

We provide care and support to orphans and vulnerable children by assisting the orphans who are affected and infected with HIV/AIDS and the disadvantaged.

We provide orphans and vulnerable children with scholastic materials such as, exercise books, pens, pencils, mathematical sets.

We have been helping with a few due to financial constraints, but these children need support in the following areas.

-Basic needs

-Health needs

-More educational needs

-Food and shelter.

We also provide psychological support to these orphans and vulnerable children to meet their social and spiritual needs.

-We equip volunteer care givers with necessary skills and counseling techniques.

-Promote positive changes in the community in order to reduce risk behavior.

-Counseling for children and widows whose family is infected with HIV/AIDS

-Promotion of community dialogue on factors that contribute to HIV/AIDS such as risk behaviors, traditional and cultural practices, etc. through workshops and seminars.

-Encouraging young people to abstinence and counseling them.

-Advocacy and awareness seminars to the young people , opinion leaders, politicians and traditional leaders to keep them informed on the epidemic.

-Improve the quality of life for people infected and affected families by HIV/AIDS

-We intend also to provide low cost shelter to families with poor housing structure with priority to affected homes.

-We intend to help start income generating activities to families affected and infected with HIV/AIDS.

We intend to equip families and care takers with vocational skills and tools that will enable them be self reliant.

We intend to hold awareness seminars and short term courses on various aspects of life to increase the information flow that will help reduce on poverty level e.g. modern agriculture, malaria control, simple book keeping etc


We train orphan students who have not got achance to go for further studies and this helps them to have abetter future. In this project,we need more computers in order to easy the training exercise because at the moment we are using only one computer.


Become a hope bringer by choosing to pray or financially support a particular item among the needs of the project as prescribed above.

For more information, contact us on e-mail:



What we do:

We provide care and support to orphans and vulnerable children by assisting the orphans who are affected and infected with HIV/AIDS and the disadvantaged.

We provide orphans and vulnerable children with scholastic materials such as, exercise books, pens, pencils, mathematical sets.

We have been helping with a few due to financial constraints, but these children need support in the following areas.

-Basic needs

-Health needs

-More educational needs

-Food and shelter.

We also provide psychological support to these orphans and vulnerable children to meet their social and spiritual needs.

-We equip volunteer care givers with necessary skills and counseling techniques.

-Promote positive changes in the community in order to reduce risk behavior.

-Counseling for children and widows whose family is infected with HIV/AIDS

-Promotion of community dialogue on factors that contribute to HIV/AIDS such as risk behaviors, traditional and cultural practices, etc. through workshops and seminars.

-Encouraging young people to abstinence and counseling them.

-Advocacy and awareness seminars to the young people , opinion leaders, politicians and traditional leaders to keep them informed on the epidemic.

-Improve the quality of life for people infected and affected families by HIV/AIDS

-We intend also to provide low cost shelter to families with poor housing structure with priority to affected homes.

-We intend to help start income generating activities to families affected and infected with HIV/AIDS.

We intend to equip families and care takers with vocational skills and tools that will enable them be self reliant.

We intend to hold awareness seminars and short term courses on various aspects of life to increase the information flow that will help reduce on poverty level e.g. modern agriculture, malaria control, simple book keeping etc



Become a hope bringer by choosing to pray or financially support a particular item among the needs of the project as prescribed above.

For more information, contact us on e-mail:


For any support towards the success of any of our ministry programmes, you can deposit your monthly, quarterly, annually financial support with




A/C NO. 1517079



If it is a material support, our ministry is tax exempted and you can help the ministry programme run on day –to day basis by donating computers, printers, photocopiers, scanners and public address system ,film projectors , video cameras, cameras, generators ,vehicles, stationery, bibles, Christian text books, humanitarian aid containers. Etc.

Donate, together, we rescue this perishing generation. Contact us at


For the promise is unto you and to your children, Jesus said, do not forbid them, let them come to me for such the kingdom of God belongs to them and God has ordained praise in the mouth of babies and infants.

Acts. 2:39, matt 19:13-15

The bible says that in the later days I will pour out my spirit on all the flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy and see visions. Joel; 2:28.

God has poured out his spirit on children in this present generation ,we shouldn’t neglect them at all, remember God told Jeremiah that don’t say that am a youth and I don’t know how to speak but I knew you before I informed you in your mothers womb and ordained you a prophet among the nations.

Children need a great care, guidance, counseling and a special opportunity to play a roll in family our lord Jesus Christ

Jer. 1:5, Matt 18:1-3

View Picture


We cordially invite you to visit us. We will host you in our Local homes/churches or you can cater for your own accommodation in hotels/ restaurants.

In Fort portal, we have local and executive Hotels/ restaurants with all necessary international facilities.

We need missionaries who can teach us skills or help setup self help projects and business as well as medical missionaries, school of ministry ,vocational institutions, Academic Christian schools ,orphanages and destitute rest homes etc.

The time you will spend with us, will be making a huge impact in our ministry and community.

You will be expected to perform reliably, conduct yourself in a Christian manner, to be sensitive to cultural differences (easy) to love the people and to be committed[to the mission trip and not primarily focused on sightseeing].

Monday, November 27, 2006



Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa, the most fertile land and the centre for tourism attraction in the continent of Africa.

People come from all over the world to see her beauty, its physical features like; Landscape

Mountains, .hills, vallies, plain lands, water falls, caves, hot springs, crater lakes, rivers.

Animals of different kinds that are not in other countries like:-

- Gorillas, Chimpanzee, Elephants, Crocodiles, Monkeys, Rhinos, Buffalos lions, birds of different kinds like; Ostriches, Cranes etc.

Despite tourism attraction, now God will do a new thing as researchers have been coming pictures

In August 23 rd -26th /2007 we shall be having Annual Prophet Celebration in Fort portal, Uganda.


During the conference, you will meet a line up of nationally and internationally renown speakers whose ministries will transform and impact your life and ministry for ever.


Welcome to the “slopes of Mt. Rwenzori in western Uganda.

The city of Fort portal is about 316 kms from Kampala city.

Getting there

Transportation charges from Kampala to Fort portal are as follows;

Public means (bus) ug Shs 12000=

Private means (tax cab) Ug shs 250,000= or negotiable.


A number of hotels, depending on your preference are within the vicinity of the conference venue.

On arrival, our conference workers will lead you to our venue and help you check in at the hotel of your choice.

Please register early for convenient arrangements and better services.

For any support towards this event,
You can send your money order or western Union money transfer to:

Christ Vision Ministries

P.O BOX.316 Fort portal, Uganda


Cheques can be deposited to


A/C NO - 1517079





Christ vision ministries

P.o. box 316, Fort Portal,

Uganda, E. Africa

Tel: +256-782-512796


If you are living in or around Fort portal Town, or just visiting us, please come and worship with us.

Christ Vision Center Cathedral is located on mill lane, Kabundaire on plot no. 9, west Division, Fort portal municipality.

For Prayer request or counseling Call; 256 782 512796 24hrs on line or contact us on e- mail;


· Sunday morning service - 9:00am-11:00am.

· Sunday main worship -11:00am-1:00pm.

· Monday - follow-up ministry and Night prayer.

· Tuesday - intercession.

· Wednesday -Mid week service 4:00pm-6:00pm.

· Thursday - Counseling and deliverance Service.

· Friday -Women’s ministry and evangelism.

· Saturday -choir, band and worship team rehearsals.

Picture of the part of Church Congregation: